Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I really do not know if I'll just stick to write about travels only or  either I can also vent my frustrations and anger here. But the fact that the title is "Outbursts" then probably or literally I can shout out all my moroseness here.

Actually, I decided that this blog should only be or solely for travel articles but now that I am out of subject about travel. I believe I can deviate from writing travel and just scroll what ever is on my mind. And then, perhaps if I will travel again then probably I can write back about it.

For now, I will write anything or rambling about what's up on me, my plans etc. So far, I think I have grown up the fact that I lost interest of going out or shopping for that matter and instead, just staying in the house and be chilled.

Things like that that I never imagine I can do now. Well, whatever it is but life is so far so good. I think, I just go with the flow and then what ever comes to me I will accept it and just go on! Life's adventure anyway! There is always Up's and Down.

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