Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Joy of Reading Books

I don't know how to start this article but I would like to believe that writing this article will help me realize the essential benefits of reading books or any kind of reading materials for that matter.

Actually for the last 8 years I am not into reading books anymore due to the advent of social medias but somehow I realized that these damn social medias are not beneficial especially if you glued yourself to these platforms for an hours or so. It's just totally draining.

And so I gradually start back my habit of reading books when I went to the states last holiday. Well,  actually the books there are very cheap as cheaper as 5 us dollar and voila!  you can get a quality hardbound or paperback types.

Well, to cut the story short; what I've found out recently about reading books is that it develops a sense of mental comprehension or focus either in your work or talking with friends. Second, I am always transported into a different horizon or should I say a different ideal world that sometimes you don't realize that time is running high. And Lastly,  It gives me the pleasure of imbibing the main character of the book especially if I love the character and dreaming someday to be one ha ha ha How I wish! And that's explain why there's plenty of joy in reading.

But mind you, if I compare reading and shopping, for me there are no comparisons of the two; I rather have both of them as my two favorite hobbies;)he he he.

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