That day was our last and final moment in Istanbul and to make this very day a memorable one, we treated ourselves to a spa as in Turkish Hamam(An old ancient practice of spa where someone will scrub, massage and bath you in a well-made steam marble platform).
As I went to the ceremony or ritual room, I have this feeling that I might be harrassed(char) or even offered for something that is very delightful! but to my dismay nothing has happened as in very professional and hygienic rituals and there is nothing stimulating of some sort!
When I entered the room I saw few Caucasian men slumbering into the marble platform doing the inhale exhale thing!!!So I was thinking hmmmm they are the one who will do the thing perfect!!!! but again to my wrong expectation heller--their one of the clients also who would like to avail the offer of a rejuvenation--Sayang thats what I told to myself(but anyway for sure the masseur or the staff are young gorgeous turkish men!!) so I followed what those customer's did(I rest myself in that round marble steam and relax or sleep)as I waited for the yummy staff to pamper/cleanse our tired/submissive bodies.
Finally, in just few minutes 5 men entered the room and speak no english as in Turkish linggo and heller their old and grumpy(another dismay)!!and they will instruct you to lie Back then front and sit---that is in order for them to scrub u rigorously! But my servant is quite friendly in a way that he will whisper me "nice scrub?" "see:-)! my vuling/livag chi" etc. So I was really giggling and laughing because of the way he is teasing me! hahahaha then after the 30 minutes scrub he will bath u and then followed by the very famous soap massage from front and back to your head, feet and hands etc.then bath u again and then sent you to the hot room for another sort of rituals! Then finally a handshake with him and advising me to go to jacuzzi room and take a shower.
Well, the experience was worth remembering. I was rejuvenated/refreshed etc thus I fall to sleep in my locker room for about 30 minutes(its a short hiatus bec. I was anticipating our next stop-Shopping chi!!!)Note-A tip is a must if u feel the ritual!!!
Cemberlitas Hamammi-One of Turkeys Ministry of Tourism recommendation for a classy and clean hammam!
Rejuvenated and fresh---ugsa migwafa oka pagsamot gnda!!!
Hahaha! Nahimuot ako sa Buling chi, hahaha! Kabibo! Ay ay Langga' ur sooO funny ever!
love your blog theme... may dating chi!
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