Ever since I travel, Buddha or Buddhas is/are always part of my photos or shots if not all of my trips. Thus, I came up of writing an article about it but as I go search for the name Buddha in Google, Wikipedia described it all in leaps and bounds. Thus I have an excerpt below about Buddha according to Wikipedia:
The Buddha and his monks spent four months each year discussing and rehearsing his teachings, and after his death his monks set about preserving them. A council was held shortly after his death, and another was held a century later. At these councils the monks attempted to establish and authenticate the extant accounts of the life and teachings of the Buddha following systematic rules. They divided the teachings into distinct but overlapping bodies of material, and assigned specific monks to preserve each one. In some cases, essential aspects of teachings attributed to the Buddha were incorporated into stories and chants in an effort to preserve them accurately.
From then on, the teachings were transmitted orally. From internal evidence it seems clear that the oldest texts crystallized into their current form by the time of the second council or shortly after it. The scriptures were not written down until three or four hundred years after the Buddha's death. By this point, the monks had added or altered some material themselves, in particular magnifying the figure of the Buddha.
Dubai Parks & Resorts: Legoland 2018
6 years ago