Monday, September 27, 2010

On Gay Lifestyle and its Competitiveness

 I have been reading a lot of Blogs of famous and not so famous gay bloggers. If you streamline all their topics - it always goes down to Fitness & Fashion. And judging from their pics, it really looks like what they say or preach is true. Anyway, the topic really boils down on me. I mean, I'm always inspired by what they say; so I jot down all what I have to do to make me fit and fashionable. But reality sucks, Why? because I am so lazy especially if I am in my bunk. Once, I'm in that hypnotic piece-Plans or things to do for that day will just be in sketch and vanished into thin air. The very pig style of sleeping came into picture and then of course the gustatory side of Lafang/Eating after. So who's to blame for my incapacity to strive to be fit, and fashionista? very obvious myself. And it adds insult to injury day by day until I found out that I'm 80 Kg and going. OMG! Ano va to:-(

So at this day and age of mine, I just realized I cannot compete anymore to look fit and sexy especially on my lifestyle I mean Gay lifestyle. I rather go for that comfortable side of life of pigsty sleeping and eating. Pathetic but that's really me now- domesticated and lazy. But the funny side of it, once I am on the streets or crowds of people either mall or shops; I just do the tricks of stomach in and feel confident. Ha ha ha ha but reality, friends of mine has been saying in a daily dose "Tumaba ka, Ang laki mo na, etc". What ever!!! Maybe, a diet pills or liposuction will do! Sounds vbc to me:-) he he he

Thursday, September 23, 2010

On Mining........

For the past few days, I have been waging, venting out my stand against Mining. So far, people are aware now of what is happening or I mean what is going to happen in the future. It's just really a matter of constant nagging about the issue. What ever my cousins, friends opinion(s) about the issue its theirs not mine but I will firmly stand on my own. Its my personal conviction and no one, not even my family can sway me from it.

What really saddens me is that my town mates do not seem to care about the issue. They just keep ignoring it and just go with their own personal life. That's why I ask myself if they are really socially aware or just plain stupid ignoring this issue.

Well, to some they have convinced their selves that it will boost local economic development but maybe for just a period of time. How about the long term effect to the whole community?

Anywhere in the world, places with mining sites or had been mined/exploited, there stories of their people and their environment ended with sad plight. That includes the unbearable lifetime and irreparable damages of life threatening or debilitating disease, the unrestorable denuded mountains and the tainted rivers & seas.

Actually, it's all about exploitation here. Exploitation of the environment, of the people etc. At the end of the day, these people will leave us nothing but immorality and toxic.

I just hope that for some people, life sometimes is not all about money but dignity/pride and the love for our birth place that no one should touch, exploit her instead to appreciate its beauty. Their is a lot of option to uplift poverty. One is by taking initiative, inspire to follow others and educate your self. In life now there is endless possibilities and opportunities, it's a matter of action and getting it.

Bloglovin moi!



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